Orna Banai
Actress and Standup Comedian
Nosso Programa:
Redesenhamos o processo de aprendizagem para simular a comunicação real no trabalho,
ganhe autoconfiança e melhore seu desempenho, para que você possa finalmente atingir seus objetivos!
Aulas semanais e apresentações no Zoom
Treinamento pessoal por Whatsapp
Treinamento pessoal semanal
por telefone
Plataforma de aprendizagem on-line
Disponível 24/7
50 horas de conteúdo profissional gravado
Simulações para apresentações com feedback pessoal
Conversas com pessoas que trabalham com hi-tech e negócios em seu campo de trabalho
Noites de palestra estilo TED todo mês
Já passamos da fase de testes há muito tempo…
Mais de mil formandos revolucionaram a forma como lidam com o Inglês graças ao método Express!
Caso você esteja evitando oportunidades de falar Inglês no trabalho,
ou tentando passar em uma entrevista e conseguir uma posição global, e é o Inglês que está te impedindo de avançar
The process was amazing. We set goals, created a path and worked on our habits. My English has improved and continues to improve substantially. I’m even happier now with the fact that even though I’ve completed the program, I still use and maintain the habits and great tools I was given.
CO-Founder and CEO
So many people teach English, but only Express English has a method that helped me express myself on stage with more confidence in an intuitive, free and fast way with no doubts or question marks. I recommend this method that really got me to become an English speaker.
You know the edge of the road where you can speed up? That’s what Express was for me. A very good preparation for my new job. I had the opportunity to make mistakes, get feedback from my coach, notice my weaknesses and how to overcome them and improve my grammar which was at a very low level.
Strategic Consultant, Zendesk
A majority of our customers are English speakers and I fly abroad often for work. With the help of Express English, I was able to improve my English tremendously, way beyond my expectations. These days I speak English non stop, it’s hard to describe it, it’s simply in my system.
Cyber Security Specialist, Architecture PWC
I wanted to share my biggest breakthrough I had since I started to learn English with Express. It was at a huge forum/meeting of ~40 people and 1 top manager. It was the first time I was not even thinking about “my English” and just asked tough questions and had a lot to say (all in perfect English and self-confidence).
Co-Founder and CEO Belle
These days I speak English freely without being embarrassed. Speaking English transformed from a tumultuous task into pure fun. I flew on a business trip to Europe and I spoke English there throughout the whole trip, I had deep conversations there and felt appreciated for my flow and pronunciation.
Niv Books Publishing
Estamos constantemente melhorando nossas habilidades de comunicação e nós mesmos trilhamos esse caminho, para que possamos liderar pelo exemplo e não pela autoridade
Head Coach and
Coach Trainer
Founder and CEO
Nossos estagiários e graduados fazem apresentações profissionais pelo Zoom todos os dias e quando você se juntar a nós, você começará a fazê-las também…
English Express Ltd. I.D. 515290682 | Supplier number in the Ministry of Defense: 11024836 | Institution symbol in the Ministry of Education: 01597575
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Todos os direitos reservados ao English Express 2023
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